Sunday, July 31, 2011

Arne Duncan

There should be a system in place to recruit, assign, and evaluate and compensate great veteran teachers. In addition, attract top students into the field, and make America more competitive. Duncan called for higher salaries to make teaching more competitive with other professions like medicine, law, and engineering. Duncan suggested that starting salaries of around $60,000 and top salaries approaching $150,000 would help change the economics and makeup of the profession but acknowledged the difficulty of finding more money when governments at every level are wrestling with debts and deficits.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Texas Instrument


Texas instrument is assisting students in their exploration by posting chemistry-themed activities on its Facebook page through next week (week of July 4). Through these activities, students will be able to discover everyday applications of chemistry. For example the activity focuses on light wave frequency and the relation to color while another looks at how elements are charged and their interaction. TI-Nspire technology.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Water Molecules


Water is one of the most familiar substances on the planet, but after decades of research there are still more to learn about this substance. According to Anders Nilsson, a professor at Stanford University. Nilsson's group suggest most water molecules are linked strongly to only two others. Liquid water molecules may be arranged in rings or chains that cluster together. This is in total opposition to what is illustrated in current textbooks.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Monitoring Tool


Parents involvement in their kids education is extremely important as well as impactful. eChalk has created a way for parents to monitor their kids academics, with the use of an information and communication tool, the parent can actively engage in their kids academic and extracurricular life in one easy-to-use place. This is a great tool, it not only allows for parents to check grades, a parent can also view homework assignments. Parents are in total control of their school environment. More importantly, if there is an emergency situation, you as a parent will receive a text and email alert. Thats really nice.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Twitter Following

I'm currently following: JournalDave, LiteracyWorld, TechnologyInEd, CatalystChicago, EDucationweek, eChalk, WaitingforSuperman, TeachForAmerica, kmcg2375, and NCTM


"uBoard enables interactive Whiteboard features without the Whiteboard"

A Korean company PenandFree has created a device that allows teachers to use any flat surface as an interactive whiteboard. The uBoard is about the size of a television remote, a smooth writing digital pen/laser pointer, and software. The teacher attaches the device to the wall with magnets, runs the software on the computer and turns on the projector. The user controls the presentation with the digital pen by poking at a virtual toolbar that's projected on the screen. A working area can be set as large as 120-inches diagonally. The system works with Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7 and a standard projector. An optional driver allows to run a Mac with OSX. Wired version $599 Wireless edition is $699.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Powerpoint #1

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